women empowerment

3 Reasons Why Self-Care Should Be Non-Negotiable

Are you a tired momma who’s in desperate need of some alone time? Are you a woman who is running on fumes and on the brink of burnout?

Well today, we will be talking about the “3 Reasons Why Self-Care Should Be Non-Negotiable.”

Self-care is extremely important, especially for women whether you are a mom or whether you're just a woman living her life.  It is so important that you take time to recharge, put yourself back together, and recharge that battery so you can be the best possible version of yourself.

To start, let’s discuss what exactly is self-care.  We hear it all the time.  From my perspective, self-care is taking the time to care for yourself. It’s doing those things that you need to do to take care of yourself… mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

So, let’s discuss a few examples. When it comes to self-care, we often hear people say pamper yourself, go get a massage, get a pedicure manicure, take yourself out to dinner, and things like that. Granted, those things are amazing, and I don't discount them at all because I feel like they should be a part of your self-care routine. But I want to dig a little bit deeper and talk about the self-care activities that I think a lot of people don't really talk about.

For instance…

  • Taking a walk outside and getting into nature

  • Listening to your favorite music (i.e. trap, reggae, gospel, etc.)

  • Taking a long drive

  • Getting enough rest

  • Eating healthier

  • Exercising and getting your body moving

  • Talking to or going out with your girlfriends

  • Affirming yourself

By committing to and being intentional about your self-care on a daily basis, you’ll definitely see how your life and the life of those around you will be impacted in the best way possible.

So, let’s get into the “3 Reasons Why Self-Care Should Be Non-Negotiable.”

1. It allows you to handle difficult situations with more clarity and ease.

When you don't get enough rest and you're operating on autopilot… you’re just going through your day-to-day, not really recharged, tired, and bogged down. You are just heavy. And, It is really hard to face those difficult storms that come in your life on a day-to-day basis, moment-to-moment basis. It's really, really hard. And it's hard to have that clarity because a lot of times we were not taking care of ourselves. A lot of times, I know for me personally, my mind can get very clogged. Sound familiar? Take the time to prioritize your self-care so that you can handle the stressors of life with ease and clarity.

2. It teaches you to become your own best friend.

You affirm your best friend. You love on her, right? You tell her to take care of herself. You give her grace when she's being hard on herself. You respect your friend. You love her. So, when you become your own best friend, it allows you to stop putting everybody else’s needs ahead of your own and teaches you to prioritize the love that you have for yourself.


3. It helps you to recharge, reset, and be more present.

A lot of times when we are running on empty, we cannot be present at the moment because we're always thinking about what we must do next. Therefore, it’s important to be intentional about being in the moment and taking time to reset, because you can’t pour from an empty cup.

How often are you engaging in self-care activities? Is it daily? Is it monthly? Is it weekly?

Drop your comments below. I’d love to hear from you!

To your highest self,

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