moms of toddlers

You Can't Pour From An Empty Cup

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I don't know how many countless times I’ve been in this place of constantly running and running and running and always putting everyone else's needs ahead of my own, which is something that we tend to do as moms. We often give so much of ourselves and this can be extremely draining.

And a lot of times we don't realize that we are depleting ourselves. We're starting to run on fumes. We start to run out of gas, so to speak. And a lot of times we go past that point of no return, which turns into burnout, stress, and overwhelm.

So, you must ask yourself, is this healthy? Is it healthy for you? Is it healthy for your kids? Is it healthy for the people that are around you that are experiencing you?

Because needless to say, when you're operating from that capacity, you are operating from a place of lack. You're operating from a place of low vibration.

You're operating from a place of just not feeling good about yourself.

And of course, naturally, the people that are around you are going to get the brunt of that. The people around you are going to feel what you're putting out, whether you are doing it consciously or subconsciously. And a lot of times, we don't realize that we're doing it unconsciously, right?

 A lot of times it comes in the form of irritability, frustration, wanting to be alone, not wanting anyone to disrupt us, and trying to constantly getaway. And those are definitely points or points of reference in terms of showing you that you're going down, that path of burnout. And I'm pretty sure there are many times where you look at your day and you say, God, I wish I had moments that I had just for me, right?

There are moments that I'm sure you wish you had at least an ounce of something to give yourself at the end of the day.

With that, here are three tips to help you go from surviving to thriving in your life and motherhood journey…

  1. Ask For Help

I know that a lot of times we, as moms, don't want to ask for help. We don't want anyone to come in because sometimes we feel like if I'm being honest, sometimes we feel like, oh, we can handle it. If I ask someone to come in to help me, that means that in some way, shape, or form that I am weak. Right? And that couldn't be further from the truth.

As a mom, you wear many hats and play many roles. You’re the referee, counselor, grocery shopper, homework helper, dry cleaner…and the list goes on. So, asking for help is probably the best thing that you could possibly do for yourself, as well as the people around you. Asking for help makes you strong. It makes you courageous. It brings out the level of bravery that a lot of women don't have. And I want you to understand, and I want a lot of moms to understand that asking for help is part of your superpower, because it allows you to remove the expectation that you have to be perfect, which is a great Segway into number two.

  2. Release The Need for Perfection

When we're looking at things online, we're looking at, how people are taking care of their kids or raising their kids in a certain way. And we tend to compare ourselves to those other moms. We tend to compare what they do with their kids versus what we're doing in our house. And somehow that level of not feeling good enough creeps in.

However, as I tell my clients, do your best…because your best will always be good enough, no matter what. Okay. So release that need for perfection because honestly, it doesn't even exist. You're chasing your tail.

3. Take Time To Just Be

Get into a quiet place and just be silent. Whether you take a drive, go sit at the park by yourself, read a book, journal your thought. Whatever it is that you like to do…do that thing and just be okay with just being. sometimes we feel like we have to be doing something all the time, even when the kids are away, even when no one's around. But, it’s so important to take a step back, silence the noise and just be.  I want you to understand that what you're doing with your kids… what you do on a daily basis means the world to them.

At the end of the day, the best thing your kids need is a healthy, whole, and happy mom. And it’s pretty hard to be what they need if you are operating from an empty cup. Like I tell everyone I know, put your oxygen mask on first. Why? Because you can't help anyone else behind you if you were passed out on the floor.

So take time, put your oxygen mask on first and refill your cup daily with some form of self-care, so you can become the best version of yourself for your family.

I'm pretty sure they will thank you later!


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