5 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself As a Busy Mom

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We are currently in a space of learning to adapt to change and finding ways to adjust to our new normal.  And believe me, I know it is not easy. I know that we're in a space where we're just trying to understand what's going on. So, today we're going to be talking about five ways that you can get to a place of taking care of yourself.

Right now, we're in the midst of COVID and a lot of us are dealing with virtual learning and homeschooling. Many of us are still working, whether we’re working from home or having to travel into the office for work. And some of us are full-time entrepreneurs or still working a 9-5 and building a business alongside our full-time jobs, which hasn’t been the easiest thing to do. 

And, I think that we're all just trying to do the best that we can with the situation at hand. With that, I think that it is so important for us moms to really take time, to just find a way to decompress, to distress, because this is a very heightened, stressful situation where, if we're not careful, we can definitely get frustrated with our kids and spouses or partners. And most times, it comes from us not taking time to recharge or prioritizing self-care.

I have four girls all under the age of eight. And it can be interesting in our house.  And although I love my babies and I love my husband, there are times when I feel like I need a moment to myself. I'm sure you can relate to that, right? I’m sure there are times when you’d like to have a moment of peace and quiet and it’s just you, your “mommy juice” and your thoughts. 

So, let's get to the five ways that you can take care of yourself and recharge as a busy mom. 

#1 - Journal Your Thoughts

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Now, I know that a lot of people say journal your thoughts, and that can certainly sound very cliche, however, it truly works. When you take the time to sit down by yourself and really think about the space you’re in, it allows you to be one with yourself.  It allows you to do a brain dump of all of your frustrations, all of your emotions into this particular journal passage on that particular day. 

#2 - Meditating 


Getting a quiet, calm, and peaceful space and allow yourself to be still and focus your thoughts. Focus on your breathing, focus on being in that moment, and being present. Meditation doesn't have to take 30 minutes. It doesn’t even have to take 15 minutes. You could actually meditate five minutes a day. It's so powerful. 

#3 - Learning to say “NO”

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As moms, we tend to struggle with setting boundaries and saying “no,” because we want to be there and do everything for everybody.  We’re just nurturers at heart. However, sometimes we can get into a position where we don't set boundaries for ourselves and although we love to help other people, sometimes it gets to a point where it becomes detrimental to us. The more you say yes to others, the more you're saying no to yourself. Learning to say no learning helps you to be more assertive and allows you to protect your peace. ,

#4 - Unplug from social media

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Oftentimes when you’re scrolling on social media, it’s so easy to mistake people’s “highlight reels” for their reality. It can make you feel as though other moms are perfect and have it all together, while you’re still on the struggle bus. Yes, we want to see and connect with our friends and family, however, sometimes it can make you feel bad about yourself. It can make you feel like you're just not doing enough or you're not good enough. So I'm a firm believer in the notion that if it’s costing you your peace, it’s costing you too much. 

Take time to unplug mama, whether it's for a day, a week, two weeks, a month, however long you feel you need to be able to get back to your place of peace. 

#5 - Take Yourself on a Date

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Okay, I totally understand that we’re in the midst of a global pandemic and things are not as normal as they once were, but you can still do something at home. Put the kids to bed early one night and have a date by yourself. Get your favorite meal, get your favorite mommy juice, watch a great movie. 

Consider implementing some of these self-care tips in your routine and see if it helps you to recharge, get back to a place of peace, and reduce your feelings of stress and overwhelm. Also, drop me a comment below and let me know your best self-care tips and how they impact your life. 

In today's video, I'm going to dive into self-care tips for busy moms. You'll learn 5 Ways to Take Care of Yourself! It's so crucial that as moms, we take ca...

If you would like help/support with implementing self-care into your life, please click here to book your complimentary discovery call today.

Until next time, 

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